Sunday Inteview, Marie Thibaud

It's time for a the interview to a new artist! Yay!
The guest of today is Marie Thibaud, from France. Her style is very unique and cool. This talented artsist mixes together elegance, sensuality and irony, I love her great use of colors, compositions and the study of characters. Marie answered my 7 questions, I'm sure you'll get inspiration from this inteview!
Let's meet Marie!

Hi Marie! Would you like to tell us something about you and your art background?

Like many children, I started to express myself through drawing, and this need has persisted, so I continued ! Then, after high school I went to an art school in Bordeaux, in France and now I am a Freelance Illustrator and Graphic Designer. 

You are a digital artist, have you started with traditional medias? Which ones?

I started illustration with traditional techniques, like colored pencils, acrylic, watercolor, etc ... I tested many other too ! And I appreciate them all. It was only after, during my studies in art school, that I learned digital painting. And I love it ! 

How did you find your peculiar style?

 It's difficult to answer this question because I never focused on it. It happened with time and practice and a little bit unconsciously I think.. 

 Where you take inspiration from?

 I find my inspirations everywhere. Many things in the world around us stimulates my creativity, like people, nature, architecture. And also books, movies and social networks.

 Have you ever managed an art block? 

Sometimes I have a lot of ideas and sometimes I have fewer, but never zero... I try to write all my concepts and when I'm less inspired, I read them and I'm inspired. Looking at my old sketches helps me to develop concepts. I think that doing other activities (like going out for a walk, spending time with friends, etc...) allows you to take a step back from your work and come back most inspired. 

If you could collaborate with a master artist of the past, who he/she would be?

I hesitated between two masters artists that I really like ... I first thought of William Bouguereau, because I love his poetic and sensitive work. His paintings are lovely and the characters are often melancholy. But by rereading the subject of the question, I told myself that it didn't work... I'm in love with his work but I can't imagine a collaboration, surely because our times are too distant ... So I thought of Mucha who has a more modern and graphic universe. Perhaps his style suits me more. I really like Art Deco and same as Bouguereau, his work is poetic and sweet. He is the graphic designer of the olden days !

Which tips you would give to a beginner artist?

 The advice that I will give to a young artist, at first ... is to practice a lot ! And also to experiment. Don't be afraid to start over. And don't hesitate to take a break if you get stuck, sometimes a night of sleep helps to unlock things. Oh and also, do not hesitate to show your work on social networks ! Above all, take pleasure in drawing!

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