Sunday Inteview, Neleilis

Hi Guys!
Wow! It Sunday already! Are you having a nice week-end? I hope so!
Today we have a new artist to meet, the talented Neleilis, from Netherland. She'a master of colors contrasts, I love her eye-catching portraits, with great light effects and bold hues. Enjoy her artworks and the interview!

Hey Nela! It's so nice having you here! Would you want to tell something about you and your art background?

Hi Sara! It's so nice to be a part of this :) 
My name is Nela, I was born in Poland but I live in the Netherlands with my (now) husband, 2 kids, a cat, 2 bunnies and fish in the backyard pond.
I always liked to draw, it's a great way for me to zone out and relax. I never went to art school but I did learn from a professional painter back when I was in highschool. 
I used to do a lot of pencil drawings and acrylic paintings but when I discovered drawing tablets I fell in love with digital art and it's been my medium of choice ever since.

Why you prefer digital art?

I think it started with the fact that I could avoid the mess and clean up that comes with other media. I used to paint a lot with acrylics and even though I really liked it, at some point it started taking up too much space and time.
Once I got kids it became impossible so I got an iPad and haven't looked back (I had a wacom tablet before that but it's completely not portable). I love that I can just sit wherever I want and just start on something without having to prepare anything :)

When have you realized you like to do art?

I think I realized that very early on. I remember making drawings of people and animals back in early primary school. I wish I still had some of those old drawings, it's always fun to compare!

Where you take inspiration from?

Hmm... Sometimes it's something that just pops into my head or something I see outside or on the internet but I think the thing I get inspired by most are color palettes or landscape photography with interesting colors and combinations.

 Which is your favorite part of painting process?

The part that comes after the sketch is done when I can just start working with color! Hence why I never spend too long on sketching 😅

 I admire how you use colors in your art, there's a study behind each drawing or you just follow the flow?

Thank you :)! For the most part, I generally like to use cooler shades (like blue or purple) for shadows and warmer ones for lights but other than that I mostly go with the flow.  Sometimes I have a set color palette in mind, but that can also change mid way. When I work with reference I like to explore and exaggerate the colors that are already there or change them completely and see where it takes me.

 Your favorite color palette?

That's a tough one! I really love pink and blue together but purple and yellow/orange are also something I really enjoy working with.
Thank you for this enjoyable and interesting  inteview and for sharing your beutiful art with us, Nela!

You can find Neleilis here INSTAGRAM, WEBPAGE, DEVIANTART

You can find Nela here: INSTAGRAM, WEBSITE

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