Sunday interview. Mira Monika

Hi guys!
The last Sunday I haven't had the chance to publish the inteview with the artist because I had a busy busy week but today I'm going to make it up for you with a fabulous illustrator and tattoo artist from Finland: Mira Rusila.
Her art is a cool mix between fantasy and urban, it's imaginative and whimsical, I love her style!

Ready to meet Mira?
Let's go!

 Hi Mira! Tell us something about yourself and your art experience!

Hey Sara! My name is Mira and I'm an illustrator and a tattoo artist from Finland. I've been doing art since I was a kid but I had a long break when I was a teen/young adult when I didn't even touch a paint brush. I continued doing art about 4 years ago and during that time I realized that I wanna do this for a living. I started my own tattoo studio Bearly Tattoo last autumn! 🤩 

Which are your favorite medias and there are more medias you'd want to experiment with? 

I use digital medium every day for my tattoo business. It has made my tattoo designing sooo much easier and faster and I really like to play with it Procreate app! I'm still a beginner using iPad Pro since I got it last November so I have a lot to learn. My first and, to be honest, favorite medium is watercolors ðŸ’› I love the unique effect ink and watercolors make on a wet paper.

Which are your favorite subjects and/or concepts to draw?

I love painting female faces! I often like to combine something weird and whimsical with something normal we know such as animals and nature and turn them in to something out of place. I use melancolic, nostalgic themes and I would love to do more art about mental health. 

How would you describe your art?

My art is super colorful! I love to play with different color palettes and shapes. I often describe my art as childlike. My style is still developing and I feel like I'll never be truly satisfied lol but I think most of the artists can relate to that.

What do you do to get inspired?

Pretty much everything I see and feel can make me feel inspired. Movies and books are the most obvious answer but I often get inspired by memories and feelings I've had or places I've been when I was a child. If I'm seeking for inspiration I go to Pinterest to scroll through different themes and photography! I love that app! 

There's any artist who inspires you?

My biggest inspiration is my late sister who was such a color master! Her artwork was so magical and over the top colorful and whimsical! 🥰 I often find myself using the same color palettes and themes as she did. ðŸ’›

 What do you like to do besides art?

I love collecting tattoos 🤩 That has turned into such a passion since I started my tattoo journey! 

My partner and I spend a lot of time training our dogs and our newest and most exciting dog sport we have tried is Henkilö Etsintä aka Search and Rescue. I also love baking when ever I get the chance.

Thank you so Mira for this interesting interview, I'm a fan of your art!

Here you can find Mira: Instagram ILLUSTRATION PAGE -  Instagram TATTOO PAGE - TATTOOS SHOP - KO-FI

I wish you a great week!


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