Sunday Interview, Ruthelye Escobar

Hi guys! 
I'm excited to start a serie of interviews with my favorite artists I discovered on Instagram. Knowing the stories and the ideas behind an artist is always interesting, they are all different each to other and we can learn something from each of them.
The first interview is dedicated to Ruthelye Escobar, she makes colorful illustrations that I like for the happy mood and sweetness...but lets talk the artist and her art!

Hi Ruth! Tell us something about you and your art background!

Well my full name is Ruthely Escobar, born and raised in Puerto Rico. My father is an architect and an artist, so I had art around me all my life. My parents didn’t want me to study art so I decided to be a speech and language pathologist . I found my self teaching kids vocabulary with my own illustrations and I loved it. I took a drawing class, one summer, at the university . That is my whole art background, not much but it stirred something inside of me that made me want to learn more.

When have you realized that art was your thing?

When I had kids I decided to be a homeschool mom . I had to do something with my extra time and at the same time had to make some money, because my husband decided to stop working to study medicine. I started painting very tiny watercolors and making them into jewelry
I loved this so much I decided to take a summer of basic watercolor classes. I knew there was more to learn. My profesor was fantastic, he wanted me to paint bigger pieces so I did ; well kind of. I went from painting on one inch squares to four inch squares. Years later I ventured to a bigger canvas.

Which are your favorite medias and which are the medias/techniques you would like to experiment with?

I love watercolor with all my heart, but I’ve painted with chalk and charcoal. I really enjoy illustrating with watercolor just like people used to before the computers. It would be amazing to learn how to carve wood to make prints , and I would like to mold clay and make pottery . This was my favorite thing to do when I was very little; my mom would buy me clay to mold and play with.

What inspires you?

My girls inspire most of my paintings, I end up painting them in most of my illustrations. God’s creation inspires me specially animals. Seeing others illustrations in my girls books, listening to them reading them and playing with what they see in the book is an endless fountain of inspiration.

Three words to describe the mood of your art.

Whimsical, sweet, joyful

I know you recently worked on an illustrated book! Tell us something about it!

I’ve started illustrating books very recently. I illustrated a book for a very famous clown here in PR. I’m currently illustrating a book for a friend and I just received my very first book written by my mom and I and illustrated by me! It’s about a mermaid and a very shy manatee. It is talks about friendship, unconditional love and the fragility of nature. It is a short story for children ages 1 to 7, but hopefully big kids will love it too.

What you would tell to someone who wants to learn art?

I would say, “if you have the talent, practice it every single day of your life”
That is what makes the difference, that is how you will find your style.

Thank you Ruthelye for your interesting answers and for doing such beutiful and cheerful art!

Thank you for being and inspiration for so many of us on Instagram. I’ve learned so much from your challenges. I think my favorite art comes from those challenges. God bless you greatly.

(Thank you Ruth! Guys, maybe you don't know I have fun arranging art challenges on Instagram involving other artists!)


You can find Ruthelye here:  Etsy Shop  Instagram 


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