Review of Coliro Pearlcolors


coliro paints review

Hi guys!

Finally here a new review for you! If you like metallic/pearled/iridescent colors you propably know Coliro Pearlcolors. I've had a collaboration with this German company and the chance to test their beautiful paints to give you my onest opinion about them.
Thank you Coliro!


This company has born in Germany in 2005. Paints are made by Finetec GmbH, name with which their paints have been initially known by artists on the socials.
As I said they produce paints with peculiar pigments that can be metallic, pearled, iridescent ecc. They often are being used for calligraphy but even for artworks and craft.

I noticed a certain confusion on the web about Finetec name. Maybe they are called Coliro in Europe and Finetec in the States? They have different shapes because they are sold through two different markets?
They make it clear  by their web page : the original Finetec are hand made in Germany and sold directly by the online shop The shape of the pans is round, never square. So, if you see square or rectangular pans you know the aren't the original!


Paints are sold by pre-made palettes or in singular pans. If you buy the set the box is included in the price, if you prefer to compose our own palette you can buy the box choosing from 6,12 or 22 "slots" where you can put the pans into.
The black boxes are made of tin with a transparent window.
The pans arrive singularly packaged into plastic bags with a label where you can read name and code of each color, you can cut out the name and put it into the box to recognize the colors.
Pans are 3cm large and 0,5cm tall. I love the ruffled texture of the pans surface!

Coliro pearlcolors review

Finetec paints review opinion

Swatches e colors

Coliro kindly gave me the chance to make my own six  colors palette. After I watched the video swatches on the technical sheets of each color I picked these ones:

Sterling Silver, it's a cold white, with a good metallized effect, hight coverage and hight pigmentation;
Moon Gold, champagne gold, very elegant and delicate in my opinon. The metallic effect is intensely shiny and has hight coverage;
Rose, cold pink, metallic with hight coverage and so shiny ;
Deep Space, cold pearled blue with hight coverage, a little less shiny and more velvety than the other colors I picked;
Peacock Blue, a pigmented blue-green, quite shiny, it looks better on dark backgrounds than light backgrounds;
Fiji, dark brilliant green, metalli with hight coverage.

coliro watercolor swatches

finetec swatches

coliro paints swatches

I love all colors I picked but I'm a little sorry I haven't choose something iridescent to try.

All Coliro paints are hand made and made of natural ingredients (mica and arabic gum).
Into the package you find the instructions to use them properly: wet the paint and wait at least 3 minuts to make it creamy and intense enough, Once you active them as they explain the paints get really creamy and easy to use.
You can use them not only on paper but even on wood and all porous materials.

colori pearlcolor
Painting I made using Coliro Pearlcolors

acquerelli finetec
Painting I made using Coliro Pearlcolors

Painting I made using Coliro Pearlcolors

Price and reperibility

Price of singular a pan is €4.49 and the six colors palette is €26.49. You can buy them on, where you can find other products as calligraphy supplies, paper and sketchbooks, gift sets etc,


I'm very happy with the paints I've received from Coliro, I'm often using them with my paintings and I think the are incredible, expecially on dark background that make them even more shiny. Considering they are hand made, the quality of the pigments and the quantity of paint into the pans I find the price totally reasonable. Surelly I'll buy more paints from them in future!

Thank you and see you with a new review!


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