Sunday interview, Sara Mena

Happy Sunday!
The guest artist of today is Sara Mena, from Ireland. She's a 2D animator and her favorite media is digital art. I like her pictorial style and her use of lighting is so charming!
Enjoy Sara's masterpieces and let's read her story!

Hi Sara! Thank you for being  here! Tell something about you and your art experience!

Hello, I'm Sara Mena; I'm an artist and 2D animator. Nice to meet you all! 
I'm a freelance artist, having started my own business called Doodlio Studio in 2020, where I take commissioned work for apps, videogames and animation. 
My art experience is all about visually telling stories and exploring exciting ways to convey different messages.

You're a digital artists, why you do prefer this media?

 I'm the type of artist who loves to explore new ways of creating art. This type of experimentation is 90% failure and 10% success. Digital art gives me more freedom to fail and still go back on a previous iteration.
This doesn't mean digital doesn't come with caveats, I mean, I think we all know that feeling of printing a digital image, and it just isn't the same!

Where you take inspiration from? 

 My inspiration changes according to my state of mind at a certain point in my life. 
At this moment, I'm focused on paying attention to the good simple things in life, so naturally, small things - like a lamp hitting the branches of a tree - that I wouldn't otherwise pay attention.

How you define your art in three words?

Exploratory and colorful and flexible (flexible being a fancy word for no-set style, which isn't a bad thing folks!:D)

Your next art goal?

 I'm currently solo developing a short-movie focused on the conservation of species in Portugal and Spain, mainly a species of lynx endemic to that area - the Iberian Lynx - that was almost on the brink of extinction a few years back. My next goal is to be able to finish that short-film! 
I will use this opportunity to second what many people have said in the past: it doesn't matter if you just have an idea. You also need to finish it! And by finishing it, I don't necessarily mean to complete something, sometimes giving up on a project is also a way of finish it and free your minds to new endeavours.

Who is your favorite master artist or art movement and why?

Just like my inspiration, it changes over time. However, I can make special mention to Caravaggio as the master artist and Impressionism as the art movement. Both taught me techniques, but most importantly, taught me how to see art not just as an imitation of nature but as a representation of beauty from the person's own interpretation. At the time that was mind-blowing to me.

What do you like to do besides art?

 I like to study physics, especially photonics. However, if you think that photonics is the science of light and by extension colour and how to manipulate it, it ends up related to art, so now I'm unsure my answer is valid, haha!
Okay, I'll say something else: I like to play, especially point and click adventures.

Sara, thank you for this inspirational interview!

You can find Sara Mena here: INSTAGRAM - WEB PAGE

See you guys! Bye! ;)



saradraws said...

Thank you so much for having me for this interview! The questions were very interesting and definetely helped me figure things about myself that I hadn't put into words before :D

S. said...

thank you for accepting to make an inteview with me! I'm so happy to have you on my blog and I'm happy it helped you!